New Hope & New Beginnings

New Hope & New Beginnings

TYPED by | FILED under Family, Nipomo | Updated May 17, 2023
New Hope & New Beginnings

We have such great news to share! Thank you for praying for our family and the church! 2 years ago, our little church was hovering near 10 people on a Sunday. But God brings dead things back to life—we now average close to 40 on Sundays!

In the last 5 months since returning from our sabbatical and residency, we have seen God do some amazing things:

—Homeless Outreach monthly since December with food, clothing, and supplies
—Spanish Ministry:
Bible Study meeting weekly since early January
Spanish worship songs in service since February
Live Spanish translation over headsets since March
—60+ people for Valentine’s banquet in February 
—120 people from several churches here for banquet in April
—Youth Bible Study weekly since April
—Packed auditorium for our Palm Sunday service with families from our preschool
Since then, 4 families from the preschool have attended regularly
On Mother’s Day, two families dedicated their child to the Lord
—New attendance record of 55 on Easter Sunday
—Adoption of new church covenant in April
—Worship team has grown to include piano, guitar, bass, and two singers regularly 

In family news, Michaela turned 18 in February and went to Thailand on a 16-day missions trip. She has also been accepted as travel team member as part of CentriKid children’s camps this whole summer! 

We are praying for more monthly supporters to help us through the end of this year, as our little church is still growing and cannot afford a full-time pastor yet. Would you prayerfully consider joining us as we reach this community for Jesus? 

Current monthly needs:
–Denton family support, $2000
–Youth group ministry, $250
–Kindness to our schools, $100
–Homeless outreach, $150
–Spanish translator, $200

All gifts are tax-deductible and can be made to GCA for Denton family support or FBC Nipomo for ministry support. Thank you so much for your help and prayers!