February 17, 2021
A few days before Christmas, our family took a trip down to the little town of Nipomo, roughly 3 1/2 hours south from us along California’s central coast. We met with Tom, pastor of First Baptist Church of Nipomo, and begin praying about potentially working together.
That meeting and tour of the facilities led to more prayer, more talking, and a visit I made by myself in early January. On that visit, I was able to meet nearly all of the members of the church, most of them senior ladies who have attended FBC Nipomo for 30+ years.
Pastor Tom and I are praying and planning together about what a smooth transition could look like, and I have given a proposal to the church involving our family living in the church’s parsonage (a two-story home next door) and a small monthly stipend. We would still need to raise about 75% of our monthly support through both love gifts and holding a part-time job in the area.
We have already seen God providing in amazing ways, and I’ve always had to be bi-vocational as a pastor in California, so some of this feels familiar. Raising support, however, is definitely something new for us!
This coming Sunday, February 21st, our family is driving down to attend the worship service at First Baptist Nipomo in person and we are very excited for Katie and the kids to get to meet the sweet people who are praying for our family to come and minister to them. We are praying for this, too!